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About the house/Sobre la Casa
History / Historia
Tip and Hints/Consejos utiles
Restaurant and Bars
Where to go?
Currency, Transportation, etc.
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Where to go? Adonde ir?
Some of the places you must not forget to visit, I hope you like my list. Enjoy.
Algunos de los lugares que no podes dejar de visitar, espero te guste mi lista, a disfrutar.
Just Tango
Dear guests, here I leave a list, and highlighted in yellow, some parts of my own taste, but each visitor must discover the music and...
Tango en Español
Queridos amigos, son muchas las opciones de tango, aquí les dejo una lista y pintada de Amarillo de las opciones, que a mi parecer, son...
Off the beaten track / Algo diferente y de lo mejor
Various proposals North Graffitimundo offers tour from Wednesday to Saturday, for Belgrano, Villa Crespo and Palermo, and one south on...
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